Choose the Right Fragrance!
Fragrance is a major memory trigger, which is why it’s so important that you take the time (and money) to invest in a great fragrance for you to wear on Parties, Special Occasions, Dates, or your Wedding Day. Match your scent to your venue and style!
Choosing a fragrance suitable for particular event or occasion is important.

Every season comes with its particular smells.
The changing of the seasons means it’s also time to transition your fragrance choices.
Treat your perfume like your wardrobe: change it up with the seasons, as your skin chemistry changes with the seasons.
Spring is a season of transition, it signifies the emergence of new life. These months are the blossoming months; reminders of new life, rejuvenation, and enriching natural beauty surrounding us. A light floral, citrus, marine fragrance will express the joys of this season.
Your perfume will evaporate too quickly in hot weather. It is better to select fresh citrus, light floral scents and apply them often. Stay away from heavy and overpowering fragrances. Fresh floral and fruity fragrances are often more appropriate in the summer months.
During autumn, life begins to settle and mellow down. This season is decked with the beauties of nature! It is transition between light summer scents and heavier winter scents. Scents, with spices of medium intensity, work best during the warmer seasons.
During the cold season, perfume stays on longer because it evaporates more slowly. Winter is the best time for richer and heavier scents, which will develop more slowly and last longer. The best choice during this season is warm, intimate scents like musk and heavy oriental.
Please Note:
Information about fragrances we listed here are based on the data collected from the web, departmental stores and forums. As everyone of us has a unique chemical makeup,sometimes, these general guideline would go completely wrong in your case. To find the right fragrance, be your own judge.